Som rád, že aj pán Vollebaek povedal, že tento zákon je normálnym zákonom, že ani nezaznamenali sme doteraz nejaké veľké by som povedal problémy, ktoré by podľa tohto zákona sa mali riešiť, nie, hladina je tichá a ja si myslím, že takto by to malo aj ostať.
Podobný výrok, ale v podaní D. Čaploviča sme hodnotili v tejto relácií pred týždňom.
Knut Vollebaek sice vo svojom stanovisku z 4.1.2010 vyhlásil:
"The Government Principles for the Implementation of the State Language Law provide for the respect of principles of non-discrimination and proportionality and should thus safeguard the right of persons belonging to national minorities to use their mother tongue in the private and public sphere.
Predchádza tomu ale tiež veta: "The Government of Slovakia has adopted the Principles for the Implementation of the amended State Language Act. The Principles are effective as of 1 January. They were elaborated on my recommendation in order to address ambiguities, add clarity and provide a single authoritative interpretation of the Law. The text of the Principles underwent a number of changes in the process of adoption."