DEMAGÓG - Factcheck politických diskusií

Robert Kaliňák


Predvčerom zaradil sa slovenský rozpočet medzi štyri najlepšie v rámci eurozóny.

Kalinák vs. Beblavý - 01.12.2014

Peter Kažimír hovoril, že slovenský rozpocet bol hodnotený medzi štyrmi najlepšími v rámci eurozóny. Podla správy EK je však slovenský rozpocet medzi piatimi najlepšími. Výrok hodnotíme ako nepravdivý. 

Európska komisia, 28. novembra 2014

The assessment of the Draft Budgetary Plans led to the conclusion that:
Five Member States are considered as compliant: Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Slovakia
Four Member States are considered as broadly compliant: Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia and Finland
Seven Member States are at risk of non-compliance: Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Austria and Portugal

Plans compliant with the country's obligations under the Stability and Growth Pact

The Commission is of the opinion that the Draft Budgetary Plan of Germany is compliant with the provisions of the SGP. ...

The Commission is of the opinion that the Draft Budgetary Plan of Ireland is compliant with the provisions of the SGP. ...

The Commission is of the opinion that the Draft Budgetary Plan of Luxembourg is compliant with the provisions of the SGP. ...

The Netherlands
The Commission is of the opinion that the Draft Budgetary Plan of the Netherlands is compliant with the provisions of the SGP. ....

The Commission is of the opinion that the Draft Budgetary Plan of Slovakia is compliant with the provisions of the SGP. ...

Dátum zverejnenia analýzy: 30.11.2014