S. Chelemendík naráža na euroskeptické strany UK Independence Party (UKIP) vo Velkej Británii s lídrom NIgelom Faragom a National Front (Front national - FN) vo Francúzsku s líderkou Jean-Marie Le Pen. Obe politické strany vyhlasujú názory proti EÚ a vyhlásili záujem výstupu z EÚ.
UKIP na vystúpenie z EÚ vo vyhlásení na svojej oficiálnej webovej stránke:
"The EU isn't our future; it's shrinking as a World player. The UK is already the World's 6th largest economy and a top 10 manufacturer. Outside the EU, our economy could grow faster, creating more jobs."
Podobne aj BBC informuje o tom co alebo kto je UKIP nasledovne:
"The UK Independence Party currently have 12 members of the European Parliament. They use their positions to campaign for British withdrawal from the EU."
Podobne rýchlo a jednoznacne nájdeme vyhlásenia National Frontu k otázke vystúpenia z EÚ a eurozóny. Agentúra AP informuje:
"The National Front, which also wants to unravel the European Union and withdraw France from the euro currency, hopes to win up to 20 of France's 74 European Parliament seats in the Sunday, May 25 vote."
"Opinion polls suggest Le Pen’s anti-immigration FN party, which advocates withdrawing from the European Union and ditching the euro currency, will win the most votes in France for the first time in a nationwide election."