DEMAGÓG - Factcheck politických diskusií

Ján Hudacký


Dokonca sám komisár Antonio Tajani, ktorý je zodpovedný za agendu priemyslu alebo podnikania, sa vyslovil dosť kriticky proti, proti takýmto snahám (agendu klimatického balíčka a plánu znižovania emisii pozn.)

Šefcovic (SMER-SD) vs Hudacký (KDH) - 17.05.2014

Je pravdou, že Antonio Tajani, ktorý je komisárom pre priemysel a podnikanie sa postavil negatívne proti klimatickému balíčku 2030, ktorý si nastavil cieľ znížiť emisie o 40% oproti úrovni emisii z roku 1990. Tajani spolu s komisárom pre energetiku Oettingerom sú proti nastavenému cieľu 40% a navrhujú cieľ 35%., 13. januára 2014:
"Gunther Oettinger and Antonio Tajani, the commissioners for energy and industry respectively, are resisting a push by the other commissioners to set a new emissions reduction target for 2030 at 40%. They want to see a target of 35%.", 25. februára 2014:

"EU energy and industry commissioners Günther Oettinger and Antonio Tajani have made it clear they will be fighting hard to ensure a 2030 policy is “rebalanced” away from climate change towards competitiveness and security of supply."

AFP, 20. január 2014:

"By end-2012, the EU had cut CO2 emissions by 18 percent, putting it on course for perhaps 24 percent by 2020. Perversely, this success takes some of the pressure off for a 40 percent target on the view the EU is already doing more than its fair share while competitors such as China and India lag behind. EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger and Industry Commissioner Antonio Tajani are ready to accept a 35 percent reduction target, sources said."

Dátum zverejnenia analýzy: 17.05.2014