Sefcovic správne uvádza, že v EÚ bude nedostatok odborníkov informacných a telekomunikacných technológii (ICT). Ide o štúdiu z minulého roku. EK hovorí, že pri nezmenenej strarégii bude do roku 2020 chýbat až 900-tisíc informatikov. Ek uvádza, že do roku 2015 ich bude chýbat 700-tisíc. Výrok hodnotíme ako pravdivý.
Správa Európskej komisie hovorí o potenciálne chýbajúcich až takmer milión odborníkov informacných a telekomunikacných technológii (ICT) do roku 2020.
"At a time when Europe faces massive unemployment, technology companies face a critical shortfall of talented ICT experts. This contradictory picture reveals a mismatch between the skills on offer and those in demand in today's fast developing technology market. As a result Europe might face a shortage of up to 900,000 ICT professionals by 2020, risking its potential for growth and digital competitiveness."
Samotná záverecná správa (s. 15. 21) vypracovaná firmou Empirica pre EK uvádza rovnaké císla ako uvádza EK na svojej stránke.
"In the ‘Main Forecast Scenario’, the ICT workforce in Europe will grow from 7.4 million in 2012 to 7.9 million in 2020, of which 5.9 million will be ICT practitioners and 2 million ICT management level employees. The excess demand or shortage (calculated as the number of open posts) amounts to 509,000 in 2015 and 913,000 in 2020. This figure can best be described as ‘demand potential’ or ‘job potential’ for ICT jobs. ...The 2012 Communication ‘Towards a job-rich recovery’ and the associated Staff Working Document on ‘Exploiting the employment potential of ICTs’ reported that, according to the most reliable estimates available, “by 2015 Europe is expected to face a shortage of approximately 700,000 ICT practitioners."