napríklad informovanie detí na školách o tom, čo to je sexuálne zneužívanie a ako mu predchádzať, kde ho môžu nahlasovať, je súčasťou týchto dohovorov.
"Each Party shall take the necessary legislative or other measures to ensure that children, during primary and secondary education, receive information on the risks of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse, as well as on the means to protect themselves, adapted to their evolving capacity. This information, provided in collaboration with parents, where appropriate, shall be given within a more general context of information on sexuality and shall pay special attention to situations of risk, especially those involving the use of new information and communication technologies."
Kapitola III, článok 10 hovorí o koordinácii opatrení medzi zodpovednými orgánmi. "Each Party shall take the necessarymeasures to ensure the co-ordination on a national or local level between the different agencies in charge of the protection from, the prevention of and the fight against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children, notably the education sector, the health sector, the social services and the law-enforcement and judicial authorities."
Istanbulský dohovor v článku 17 tvrdí, že strany budú rozvíjať v spolupráci so súkromnými sektormi zručnosti medzi deťmi a rodičmi, ako sa vysporiadať s ponižujúcim obsahom sexuálnej a násilnej povahy. "Parties shall develop and promote, in co-operation with private sector actors, skills among children, parents and educators on how to deal with the information and communications environment that provides access to degrading content of a sexual or violent nature which might be harmful."