V iných parlamentoch je bežné, že o personálnych otázkach, to máte írsky parlament, dánsky parlament, vo Veľkej Británii, vy veľmi dobre viete, však ste právnik, ste to študovali, poznáte to v Spojených štátoch ste boli, že aj v Kongrese Spojených štátov amerických sú verejné voľby.
Rokovací poriadok dánskeho parlamentu (.pdf) hovorí o spôsobe volenia v parlamente:
"§ 35 (1) In all cases in which the President has reason to consider the outcome of a vote taken for granted in advance, he is authorized to declare a question put to the vote – however excepting the final passing of a Bill or another independent proposal – decided without a vote, unless seventeen Members request that such a vote be taken. Incidentally, votes are taken either by means of a voting machine, by counting the Members who have risen from theirseats, or by roll-call.
(2) Usually, votes are taken by means of a voting machine which indicates who vote for the Bill, who vote against it and who abstain from voting as well as who are absent. The result of the voting is kept in the Archives of the Folketing. If the President so decides, it will be recorded in the minutes of the debates in the Chamber how each Member has voted. This also applies if seventeen Members have requested it in writing before the vote is taken, unless the Folketing by an ordinary vote taken at the suggestion of the President decides otherwise. (3) If the voting machine cannot be used, a vote is taken by the President’s calling upon the Members to rise from their seats in order to indicate that they vote for or against the Bill or to indicate that they vote neither for nor against."
V skratke to hovorí, že "zvyčajne" sa volí prostredníctvom hlasovacieho zariadenia, ktoré ukáže kto a ako hlasoval.
V rokovacom poriadku Írskeho parlamentu sme detaily o spôsobe hlasovania nenašli.
Rokovací poriadok Dolnej komory Britského parlamentu (.pdf) používa aspoň pri znovuzvolení predsedu komory (Speakra) tajnú voľbu:
"1B.—(1) If the question put in accordance with Standing Order No. 1A (Re-election of former Speaker) has been negatived, and on any other occasion when it is necessary to proceed with the choice of a new Speaker, the election shall be by secret ballot."
Ďalšie prípady voľby tajným hlasovaním v dolnej komore Britského parlamentu:
"2A.—(1) At the commencement of every Parliament, or
from time to time, as necessity may arise, the Speaker shall notify the House of the arrangements to be made to elect a Chairman of Ways and Means and two Deputy Chairmen of Ways and Means, who shall be known respectively as the First and the Second Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means.
(2) The election shall be by secret ballot"
75. (9) Election of chairs of select committees under this order
shall be by secret ballot"
Open ballot (verejnú voľbu) sme v rokovacom poriadku nenašli.
Rokovací poriadok Senátu Spojených štátov amerických je napríklad na wikipedii.org. Hlasovaním sa zaoberá SR Rule XII. Hlasuje sa verejne.
"Paragraph 1 states that when the yeas and nays (a recorded vote) are ordered, the names of Senators shall be called alphabetically. Each Senator shall declare his assent or dissent to the question without debate. No Senator shall be permitted to vote after the decision has been announced by the Presiding Officer unless excused by the Senate."
Snemovňa reprezentantov volí napríklad svojho predsedu verejne.
"The tellers call aloud each Member-elect by surname, and each Member-elect responds with his/her vote for Speaker."
Celkovo je výrok natoľko komplexný, že ho hodnotíme ako neoveriteľný. V niektorých rokovacích poriadkoch sme spôsob voľby nenašli. Niekde bolo možné nájsť spôsob voľby napríklad iba pre predsedu dolnej komory.