DEMAGÓG - Factcheck politických diskusií

Robert Kaliňák


Faktom zostáva, že aký geniálny nápad je to riešiť Turecko cez organizáciu, ktorá nemá na Turecko dosah, ktorej Turecko nie je ani členom. ...pretože vlastne Turecko nie je ničím viazané, žiadnou zmluvou k tomu, aby tak spolupracovalo.

R. Kalinák vs. D. Lipšic - 10.01.2011

Turecko síce nie je členom Eurojustu, a nie je viazané zmluvou s EÚ v tejto oblasti, s organizáciou ale spolupracuje.

Eurojust stimulates and improves the coordination of investigations and prosecutions between the competent authorities in the Member States and improves the cooperation between the competent authorities of the Member States, in particular by facilitating the execution of international mutual legal assistance and the implementation of extradition requests. Eurojust supports in any way possible the competent authorities of the Member States to render their investigations and prosecutions more effective when dealing with cross-border crime.

At the request of a Member State, Eurojust may assist investigations and prosecutions concerning that particular Member State and a non-Member State, if a cooperation agreement has been concluded or if there is an essential interest in providing such assistance.

Eurojust has established contact points in 24 non-Member States: Albania, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Egypt, fYROM, Iceland, Croatia, Israel, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Norway, Russian Federation, Serbia, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine and the USA. Korea is the most recent addition.


Dátum zverejnenia analýzy: 09.01.2011