DEMAGÓG - Factcheck politických diskusií

Robert Fico


Ako hovorila aj Merkelová, zdá sa, že sa finančné trhy trochu upokojili.

Novorocný špeciál z villy Tugendhat - 02.01.2013

Nevieme na ktoré tvrdenie Angely Merkel predseda vlády SR odkazuje. Posledný výrok nemeckej kancelárky o financných trhoch bol spomenutý v jej novorocnom prejave. Angela Merkel povedala, že kríza je daleko od konca a zdôraznila potrebu monitorovania financných trhov:

"The European sovereign debt crisis shows us how important this balance is. The reforms we have agreed to are beginning to take effect. But we still need a lot of patience. The crisis is far from over. More needs to be done internationally, as well, to monitor the financial markets. The world has not sufficiently learned the lesson of the devastating financial crisis of 2008. For never again must such irresponsibility be allowed to take hold as it did then. In the social market economy, the state is the guardian of order, and the public must be able to place its trust in it."

V októbri 2012 Angela Merkel volala po lepšej regulácií financných trhov. Uviedla, že progres v tomto smere nastal, no stále vidí priestor na širšiu implementáciu pravidiel. 

"German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for better financial market regulation. "In my opinion, we're not yet there where we should be. We had planned to regulate every financial centre, every financial actor, every financial product," Merkel said in her weekly video podcast. "Significant progress has been made. But the rules have not yet been implemented everywhere," she added."

Ani v septembri Angela Merkel nehovorila o upokojených financných trhoch.

"What we don't need is unrest in the financial markets -- the uncertainties are already big enough."

Dátum zverejnenia analýzy: 01.01.2013