DEMAGÓG - Factcheck politických diskusií

Eduard Kukan


Ja by som naozaj videl aj veľmi užitočný význam to ženevské stretnutie, kde bolo, kde boli hlavní hráči. To znamená Amerika, Rusko, Ukrajina a Európska únia.

Flašíková-Benová (SMER-SD) vs Kukan (SDKÚ-DS) - 16.05.2014

Kukan hovorí o stretnutí v Ženeve o Ukrajine, kde sa skutočne stretli zástupcovia USA, Ruska, Ukrajiny a EÚ, kde ich zástupcovia diskutovali o situácii na Ukrajine. To ako veľmi užitočný význam toto stretnutie malo Demagog.SK nehodnotí. 

"US, Russia, Ukraine and EU agree measures including end of violence, disarming of illegal groups and amnesty for protesters.

The deal has five main points:
• All sides refrain from violence, and reject expressions "of extremism, racism and religious intolerance, including antisemitism".
• All illegal armed groups must be disarmed; all illegally seized buildings must be returned; all illegally occupied streets and other public places in Ukrainian cities and towns must be vacated.
• Amnesty will be granted to protesters and to those who have left buildings and other public places and surrendered weapons, with the exception of those found guilty of capital crimes.
• The OSCE would play a leading role in helping the authorities implement the agreement.
• Constitutional reform would be inclusive, transparent and accountable."

Spoločné stanovisko k Ukrajine TU.

Dátum zverejnenia analýzy: 13.05.2014