Je to anexia územia (na Kryme, pozn.), povedal to Hollande, povedala to pani kancelárka Merkelová.
Zahranicné zdroje citujú stanovisko Hollanda nasledovne (Reuters, 12. marec 2014):
“French President Francois Hollande told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Wednesday that he had to do everything to stop Ukraine's Crimea region from joining Russia, something that would be an "unacceptable annexation." Vyjadrenie Merkelovej bolo podobné (Telegraph, 12. marec 2014): “German Chancellor Angela Merkel accused Russia of “annexing” Crimea and warned that the Kremlin must not be allowed to “get away with it” during an unusually emotional address to Germany’s ruling conservative Christian Democratic Party MPs late on Tuesday.” Výrok hodnotíme ako pravdivý.