DEMAGÓG - Factcheck politických diskusií

Milan Kňažko


Pokiaľ ide o ochranu menšinových práv, to je ďalší argument prezidenta Putina.

HN Club: Diskusia prezidentských kandidátov - 05.03.2014

Ruské ministerstvo zahraničia vyjadrilo znepokojenie nad dodržiavaním ľudských práv na Ukrajine, a obavy pred diskrimináciou na základe etnicity alebo krajiny pôvodu, informuje Russia Today:

"The Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed its concerns over the overall human rights situation in Ukraine. Among the most acute issues, the ministry cited “infringement of the right to speak [people’s] native language, discrimination based on ethnicity or country of origin, attacks and acts of vandalism performed on monuments of historical and cultural heritage as well as on places of religious worship.”

Putin sám tento argument pravdepodobne použil aj v telefonáte s Obamom, keďže Obama naň reaguje:
"President Obama told President Putin that, if Russia has concerns about the treatment of ethnic Russian and minority populations in Ukraine, the appropriate way to address them is peacefully through direct engagement with the government of Ukraine and through the dispatch of international observers under the auspices of the United Nations Security Council or the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)." 

Dátum zverejnenia analýzy: 04.03.2014