DEMAGÓG - Factcheck politických diskusií

Richard Sulík


...Európska únia (...) začala konať ešte na jeseň 2009, kedy spustili takzvaný infridgement proces, teda také to zisťovanie, na jar 2010, pred 6 rokmi dospeli k záveru, že Gréci jednoznačne porušujú v množstve bodov schengenskú zmluvu

Sulík, Csáky, Kukan a Korcok o slovenskom predsedníctve - 06.06.2016

Podla správy Európskej komisie boli v Grécku v roku 2009 aj v roku 2010 zaznamenané problémy v oblasti migracnej politiky. V týchto rokoch prebiehal aj takzvaný infringement proces, ktorý mal preverit uplatnovanie práva na azyl. Záverom infringementu bolo zistenie, že Grécko porušilo 2 clánky Európskeho dohovoru o ludských právach v súvislosti s migracnou politikou a vo viacerých bodoch nedodržalo pravidlá Schengenskej zmluvy.  Výrok hodnotíme ako pravdivý.

Správa komisie Európskeho parlamentu a Rady z daného roku uvádza (pdf, s.6): ,,In October 2009, allegations of serious difficulties faced by migrants in applying for asylum and ill-treatment by Greece of asylum-seekers and potential asylum-seekers, including the turning back of persons who may face serious harm or persecution, led the Commission to issue a letter of formal notice against Greece." 

Pocas dalšej evaluácie stavu v rokoch 2010 - 2011, boli odhalené dalšie nedostatky Grécka ohladom kontrol. Krajina následne vytvorila akcný plán nápravy týchto nedostatkov, ktorý zahrna zlepšenie koordinácie na pohranicí, zlepšenie infraštruktúry a dalšie opatrenia. Správa Európskej Komisie (pdf. s.7) uvádza:

,,Given the extensive scope of the recommendations, Greece has drawn up a national action plan on how to remedy these shortcomings. This includes i.a. enhanced coordination of border management issues, increased deployment of personnel and equipment, improvement of infrastructure, a new programme for training as well as a review of the relevant legislation."

Tak ako tvrdí Sulík, bol spustený takzvaný infringement proces (.pdf, s.4) :
"In this context and on the basis of numerous reports from international organisations, NGOs, lawyers and individuals concerned, the Commission initiated infringement proceedings against Greece in 2009 and 2010 concerning the implementation of the EU asylum acquis in the area of access to and adequateness of the asylum procedure as well as reception conditions, including in respect of vulnerable applicants for international protection, such as unaccompanied minors."

Závery infringementu sú nasledovné (.pdf,s.3)
"Greece was therefore condemned for infringing Article 13 of the European Convention of Human Rights on the “Right to an effective remedy” in conjunction with Article 3 on the “Prohibition of torture”. (...) a systemic deficiency in the asylum procedure and in the reception conditions of asylum seekers existed in Greece..."

Grécko malo porušit aj viaceré ustanovenia platné v schengenskom priestore(.pdf,s.5):
"Schengen evaluation missions in 2010 highlighted the inadequacy of the first reception capacity for migrants intercepted at Greece's borders with non-EU countries. The procedure in temporary detention facilities, such as police stations, was not suitable for properly handling asylum cases. The existing detention centres did not allow for the implementation of an effective screening and first reception procedure of mixed flows, including of vulnerable persons such as, in particular, unaccompanied minors. Detention facilities often did not meet relevant international and EU standards. In particular, the facilities were often overcrowded; separation for gender and families did not exist; and the sanitary and humanitarian situation was often sub-standard. In addition, there was no mechanism in place for the identification, within the mixed flows, of those third country nationals who may have wished to apply for international protection and who should have therefore been adequately informed of their rights."

Dátum zverejnenia analýzy: 05.06.2016