Podobný výrok sme overovali aj minulý týždeň premiérovi Ficovi. Donald Tusk naozaj vyslovil slová, ktorými argumentoval minister kultúry SR. Výrok hodnotíme ako pravdivý.
Z úst Donalda Tuska už 23. septembra 2015 v komentári uverejnenom na webstránke Európskej rady odznelo, že musíme upraviť politiku otvorených dverí a zamerať sa na dôkladnú ochranu vonkajších hraníc. "Therefore we need to correct the policy of open doors and windows. Now the focus should be on the proper protection of our external borders and on external assistance to refugees and the countries in our neighbourhood."
Pre britský denník The Guardian Tusk vyjadril bezpečnostné obavy spojené z utečeneckou krízou v súvislosti s politikou "otvorených dverí". Tusk v rozhovore tvrdí, že debata spojená s utečeneckou krízou už nie je len o samotnom neutíchajúcom prítoku utečencov a migrantov, pričom upozorňuje, aby sa nepodceňovala úloha bezpečnosti.
"In a lengthy interview with the Guardian and five other European newspapers, Tusk, the former Polish prime minister, described Merkel’s open-door policy on refugees as “dangerous” and derided data claiming that Syrian-war refugees made up a majority of those trying to get to Europe. Public confidence in governments’ ability to tackle the immigration crisis would only be restored by a stringent new system of controls on the EU’s external borders, he said. (..)It’s not only about reducing the flow of migrants,” said Tusk. “Please don’t downplay the role of security.(...)It’s not only an obligation for frontline countries. We can do it in many parts of Europe. But we need to say very openly that we will do it. Also for security reasons, but not only for this. We have to. This is why fear is so tangible and, in fact, justified."