DEMAGÓG - Factcheck politických diskusií

Ivan Korčok

nominant SaS

Na budúci rok sa zruší roaming...

Sulík, Csáky, Kukan a Korcok o slovenskom predsedníctve - 06.06.2016

Od 15. júna 2017 nebudú v EÚ nijaké dodatocné roamingové poplatky, ceny budú rovnaké ako pri vnútroštátnej sadzbe, uvádza stránka Európskej únie. Podrobnosti opisuje napríklad Pravda: "Od tohto dátumu si operátori nebudú môct úctovat žiadne poplatky navyše za roamingové hovory. Cena za volania, SMS alebo dáta v zahranicí bude musiet byt rovnaká ako v domácej krajine. Operátori pri roamingových volaniach budú môct svojim zákazníkom síce úctovat poplatky nad rámec paušálu, avšak v rovnakej výške ako je štandardná cena za minútu hovoru, SMS alebo 1 MB prenesených dát v domácej krajine,". Existencia urcitých poplatkov, aj ked regulovaných a minimálnych, nie je vylúcená, preto výrok hodnotíme ako zavádzajúci.

Portál Mobilmania píše: 
"Mobilní poskytovatelia si budú môct stanovit množstvo minút, SMS a dát. Za všetky dalšie služby nad limit si bude môct operátor pýtat poplatok. Kolko to bude, nie je zatial známe. Má to byt ale menej, ako sú aktuálne regulované sumy za roaming. Nie je zatial známe, aký limit nastaví Európska únia na pocty minút, SMS ci dát, za ktoré si nebudú môct pýtat od zákazníkov peniaze navyše."

Stránka Európskej únie upresnuje:

"What does the end of roaming charges mean?
It means that from 15 June 2017 you can use your mobile device when travelling in the EU paying the same prices as at home (domestic prices). For instance, if you pay for a monthly volume of minutes, SMS and data in your country, any voice call, SMS and data session you make while travelling abroad in the EU will be deducted from that volume as if you were at home, with no extra charges. This means the end of roaming charges as Europeans experience them today in their daily life.

The rules prevent abusive uses: for example, if the customer buys a SIM card in another EU country where domestic prices are lower to use it at home; or if the customer permanently stays abroad with a domestic subscription of his home country. This is not the usual use of roaming as the vast majority of Europeans experience it. These unusual behaviours are also called 'permanent roaming' and could have a negative impact on domestic prices, and ultimately on consumers. This is why there is a fair use safeguard. Once that limit is reached while being abroad, a small basic fee can be charged. This will be much lower than current caps (maximum prices that operators can charge consumers for roaming in the EU) and is likely to decrease even further. The Commission has been mandated to define the details of the fair use limit.

CBC News potvrdzuje, že bude existovat urcitá výnimka, no poplatky aj v tomto prípade by mali byt minimálne:
"Minimal fees to be allowed under 'exceptional circumstances,' but most will be outlawed (...) But there's a little wiggle room. That's because the law allows wireless companies to charge a "small fee" after 2017 for roaming services if they "can prove that they cannot recover their costs and that this affects domestic prices," the release said. If that's the case, companies can petition their local wireless regulators in those countries to "impose minimal surcharges in exceptional circumstances to recover these costs," but those fees have to be smaller than whatever they currently charge."

Dátum zverejnenia analýzy: 05.06.2016